Thursday 11 April 2013

SPOT tracker problem

My SPOT tracker has been off since Valparaiso in Chile, as some people might have noticed. This is because my Ipod Touch disappeared mysteriously in our hotel room there. I have no idea how (I'm thinking it might have been stolen), but the problem is that I need the Ipod to activate the SPOT. This a stupid design, since the SPOT Connect that I have does not have external buttons, and therefore is not a stand alone device. Since I'm not going to buy a new Ipod now, my SPOT becomes pretty much useless for the remaining month of this trip.

That being said, Mihai's SPOT is still operational, just go to ''live tracking'' and click the link there.


  1. Hello guys, too bad for the 'lost' ipod ... no mobile phone with Bluetooth Inside ? ( android or ios ).
    We still tracking you by Mihai's spot :) take care guys and enjoy ! Lorina & Clément.

  2. An Android device would work as well, but I don't have a phone. Not a big deal, as we will be riding together until Buenos Aires, and one of the two SPOT's is still operational.

  3. MIhai has his Samsung Tablet no??
